On Sunday morning, May 7th, 2006, Angel Feeney, a member of the 2006 Confirmation Class of The United Church of Roscoe preached the morning message. Here is that message as delivered by Angel.
Good morning. I wanted to deliver a sermon, so I asked Pastor Dan, and he said “Yes.”
The Bible has much to say about sheep, shepherds, and pastures. It was almost auniversal language in these times. I’m basing my sermon today on the 23rd Psalm. If the 23rd Psalm were written today, it might be like this:
The Lord is my Local Area Network Administrator, I shall not want. He maketh me backup my hard drives to floppy disks, he leadeth me to delete old e-mails. He restoreth my passwords, he leadeth me in the paths of Office 200 help-file righteousness for his name’s sake. Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of internet viruses and canceled America Online privileges. I will fear no evil, for my local area network administrator is with me, his firewall and unlimited power supply comfot me. Thou preparest an IMAC workstation before me in the presence of mine employer: thou anointest my floppy drive heads with oil, my cashe runneth over. Surely internet SPAM and e-mail attachments shall follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of group distribution mail lists forever.
The book of Psalms teaches us that God has a personal concern for his people and he wants us to come to him. If we offer ourselves to God, he is willing to help us and give us strength and comfort. The Psalms often speak of God’s awesome power. This Psalm is about the Shepherd calling us to walk behind him and follow so closely that we become like him. The shepherd calls us to follow him regardless of the risks, the terrain, or what the enemy may try to do to us. The Good Shepherd leads and asks us to follow. I would like to talk about the primary phrases of the 23rd Psalm.
The Lord is my shepherd.
All of us know that shepherds are good, kind, and gentle. Why would you want the Lord to be your shepherd?
He leads his sheep;
He leads them to good pastures;
He defends them when attacked;
He searches them out when they stray;
He attends to them when they are sick.
We are the sheep in God’s flock. We have seen the picture of Jesus, the Good Shepherd, caressing a lamb in his arms. By seeing that picture, we know that Jesus loves us, is a good shepherd, and a figure to be trusted. These are the reasons to have the Lord as your shepherd.
I shall not want.
Is it wrong to want? How about a meal, reliable transportation, a job that can pay the bills, a good marriage, good children, education, and health. These are all wants, but not bad wants. We can achieve these wants through prayer, hard work, and faith in God. The phrase “I shall not want,” actually means I shall not be IN want. But you will have wealth. The wealth that you will have around you is not material things, but the wealth of love from your friends and family. Happiness in the life does not come from material things, it comes from relationships. He makes me lie down in green pastures, leads me beside still waters, he restores my soul. How many of you rushed to get to church this morning? In America we live a very fast-paced life, which causes us to rush for everything. God calls you to spend time with him, to take time out of your fast-paced life to lie down in green pastures and be led beside still waters. God will make you lie down and be quiet and in this stillness, we will feed in the green pastures and absorb the food which is the scriptures. In this stillness we will drink the water of God’s spirit, and he will restore our souls. The soul includes the heart, the mind, and the strength. The soul gets used and abused so it needs to be restored regularly. Prayer, faith in God, and quiet time with God restores our souls.
He leads me in the paths of right relationships, right values, and right choices for our lives. Human beings have the largest brain capacities, but we make the dumbest choices for our lives. God puts us on a narrow path of right relationships and choices, and by walking the paths we are helped to make good and wise decisions. God is asking us to follow these paths in his presence.
Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me.
Every one of us likes to have a mountain top experience with God because it feels good and refreshing. And on top of that, it makes us feel close to God, and we don’t want it to end. That is not how we walk this life. We walk through the valleys of darkness, great pain, and tragedy. God will be there to strengthen you and comfort you during your time in the valleys. Comforting you does not mean God’s going to give you a pity party. He will strengthen you and the people around you. He will help you walk through the valleys of darkness.
Your rod and staff, they comfort me.
How can the rod and staff be comforting? The rod speaks to us as the word of God and is used for many reasons. It can be used as an instruments of protection to guide us and keep us from straying. It’s reassuring to be able to turn to the scriptures and say I need your word to guide me, to keep me from straying, to keep me from confusion, and to give me comfort. The staff is used to lift fallen sheep and the shepherd draws us back with his staff and he lifts us out of the pit. Many of the jams we get into are our own doing, and the shepherd comes to us, and lets his rod and staff comfort us. We serve a great God who rally loves us.
You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies.
God’s table provides nourishment, opportunity for growth, a place for fellowship, a sense of security, abundance, and a place of acceptance. We are all invited to sit at God’s table. We don’t sit there because we are perfect, we sit there because of his grace, his acceptance, and because we accepted the invitation. In order to continue to grow in the Lord, you have to eat from his table. God puts everything on the table that we need. God’s table is a place of protection, even in the midst of the enemy. It is prepared for anyone who will come in.
You anoint my head with oil. My cup runs over.
In the times of the of the Bible, oil was considered and antidote. God has an antidote that he applies to us. It is the Holy Spirit, which protects us from bitterness, anger, depression, doubt, fear, guilt, low self-esteem, and jealousy. It makes our cup run over.
Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.
Did you ever wonder what a special house is like? Is it the biggest house in town? The fanciest? Or one with some uncertain mystery about it? Is it God’s house? And will you be content there? If you dwelling the Lord’s house forever, he will watch over you and care for all your needs. There will be no other shepherd for you in your life. You will trust him, be proud to belong to him, and want to spend more time with him. You will be totally contented by being under the good shepherd’s care.
The shepherd has called you to follow him and become like him. He will take you to the green pastures and through the darkest of valleys. His paths are the way of perfection, but they are not always easy. His journey for you is one of the truth and righteousness. Along this this journey you may meet with opposition. The way of today’s world is the way of self; but the way of the shepherd is the way of joy and peace and sacrifice.
You need to be able to know how to recite the 23rd Psalm. The way you say the first lineis the key to knowing how to recite it. If you say :The Lord is my shepherd,: you miss it! You need to say the first line like this: “The Lord is MY shepherd.” A wedding ring is on the fourth finger of your left hand. It is the finger of love. Say the words of the first line as you count your fingers, then grab the fourth finger when you say the word, “my.” That will remind you that Jesus is always your personal shepherd. THE LORD IS MY SHEPHERD.